Wednesday, June 13


In Space, God Will Punch You
Aliens is one of those movies that people talk about, alongside The Godfather Part II, The Empire Strikes Back and The Dark Knight, as a rare example of a sequel that surpasses the original film.  Well if the Alien franchise got so lucky the first time, it made up for that with everything since.  Alien 3 was famously over-budget and underwhelming, Alien: Resurrection proves you shouldn't let French people or Winona Ryder anywhere near venerable horror-sci-fi franchises, and the less said about the Aliens VS Predator films the better.  The series already went off the deep end with clones and mash-ups, and although other series like Friday the 13th and Leprechaun have the option of sending the monster into space for later entries, they don't have that luxury here.  Going back in time is not usually the strongest move for a long dormant franchise so how about a prequel!  Even a shitty movie couldn't do much damage to the franchise at this point, and it's important to note that, because this is a shitty movie.

Monday, June 4


Can you say too much about La Grande Illusion?  When the Nazis invaded France in 1940, it was propaganda minister Josef Goebbels #1 mission to see every copy of this film burnt to ash.  You really have to hand it to the Nazis.  They were fucking evil.  This movie only contains two major German characters, and they are both heavily sympathetic.  Why did the Nazis want it destroyed so badly?  To put it in the kind of simple terms a Nazi could appreciate, this film is humanity, and the Nazis, and all those that would destroy art or knowledge, are inhumanity.